Blu Banyan

Norwich Solar Technologies Partners with Blu Banyan
for NetSuite - SolarSuccess Implementation

Norwich Solar Technologies, a turn-key provider of commercial and residential solar, was in need of an ERP solution to run operations and centralize data for all of its subsidiaries. After receiving a recommendation from SunCommon, for SolarSuccess, they called and asked us to help. We worked from the ground up to assess their needs and successfully implemented NetSuite-SolarSuccess. 

Read the case study to learn about Norwich’s experience with the SolarSuccess implementation and how the solar-optimized software solution has benefitted its overall operations and allowed them to stop managing by spreadsheet.

“The Blu Banyan team is smart, easy to talk to and very upfront about everything. The company’s CEO follows up with me regularly, just to check in and see how things are going, which I really appreciate.”

Case Study: Integrated Commercial Solar Provider Uses Cloud ERP to
Stop Managing by Spreadsheet

About Norwich Solar Technologies

Norwich Solar Technologies provides expert turnkey services throughout Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine to commercial and industrial solar electric customers including: Development, Design, Engineering, Procurement, Permitting, Construction, Power Purchase Agreements, Structured Financial Solutions, as well as Long-Term Operations and Maintenance. Norwich also implements affordable residential solar and supports local job creation, increased energy independence, and reduced pollution while following socially responsible business practices.

Speak to a Norwich Consultant

(802) 281-3213

[email protected]